Old-timey sayings…say WHAT?!

I have often wondered about sayings that people spout out – including me – without thinking first. The human language is complex and beautiful, but also highly disturbing and strange.

There are so many sayings we, as people, innately have, and I just want to go through them, one by one, to explore them and discover the meaning (or non-meaning) behind them.

1. Don’t beat a dead horse.

Where the horse hay did this saying come from? At some point, were horses dying and people were beating them as an attempt to bring them back to life? This saying has always disturbed me as I’m a very visual person. So, when I’m having a conversation with someone and they say, “And I was like, don’t beat a dead horse! Let it go!”- I get a little weirded out.

I have a deep respect for all animals and living things, so beating an animal seems cruel to me. But it also seems unrelated to anything going on during a normal conversation. Where did the horse reference come from? Yikes!

2. Let’s kill two birds with one stone.

WHY???! First of all, please don’t throw stones at birds of any kind! Second, why are you wanting to kill them with one stone? Why do you want to kill them at all? What could birds do to deserve being murdered? It’s a very confusing and commonly used term, non-the-less. Birds are one of the most innocent and precious creatures we have. They sing to us, fly south for the winter, and are a joy to watch. Who throws stones at these creatures? MONSTERS, that’s who.

3. God, bless you.

It’s common to say “God, bless you,” or the less obnoxious – but still assuming – “Bless you” after someone sneezes. Now I have looked into this phrase, and from my research it’s a old Christian phrase based on the thought that when you sneeze your soul is attempting to escape out your nose because this is how the Devil collects souls?? This philosophy boggles my mind and makes me question the basic intelligence levels of whoever made this up. So, essentially, you are saying “I hope God takes pity on you and tells the Devil he can’t have your soul.”

A sneeze is not your soul escaping to the Devil’s hands. It’s your body getting rid of foreign objects, like dust, to keep itself healthy. The Devil has nothing to do with your healthy reflexes. UGH. The next time someone sneezes, just say nothing. Nothing needs to be said. They are fine. Leave them alone and don’t force your ignorant Christian values on them, please! For the love of allergies, just STOP!

4. Don’t cry over spilled milk.

Spilled milk, or any spilled beverage, is very sad, indeed. But what does this mean and why do we zone in on milk? If a baby spills its milk, it should cry. This is normal. If an adult spills milk, they should just get a Bounty wipe and move on. So, is this saying for children? If so, that’s just mean. I’d cry if I spilled my milk as a milk-thirsty babe.

5. Curiosity killed the cat.

Cats are, in my opinion, the most amazing ninjas we have in this world. Their senses and agility make them the best hunters and very elegant pets and friends. Believe me, curiosity will never kill a cat. A cat may kill something out of curiosity, though. Now, that’s unfortunate, but let’s please give cats credit for the mythological and fascinating animals they are. Purring and kneading alone are an artform like no other.

6. Cat got your tongue?

This has always been strange. From my understanding, if someone says this it means they feel like you aren’t speaking when you should be. Or that you are scared to speak and they are trying to challenge you to speak. But what does this have to do with cats? Or tongues, for that matter? Cats don’t want anything to do with our tongues, I promise.

7. Put a sock in it!

Put a sock in it? Sock it to ’em? I think this has to do with putting socks in someone’s mouth to shut them up or bully them. No, thanks.

8. You’re the “bee’s knees”!

I don’t mind this one as it makes me laugh. Do bees have knees, though? No really, I want to know. Sidenote: People who run away from bees are plain ridiculous. Bees don’t want to hurt you. They don’t care about hurting you. They make honey.

I’ll be adding to this, periodically, as I think of more phrases people use to make useless points. But, I want to urge everyone to use the English language more purposefully. Words have meanings. Phrases do, too. Think before you speak.

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